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Take root downward and grow upward


Take root downward and grow upward


No big tree can grow without deep roots firmly planted in the soil; no great man can succeed without the accumulation of efforts made during obscurity; no successful enterprise can rise without a solid and profound foundation; no industry giant can be born without the devoted precipitation during anonymity. All the glorious upward take-offs originate from the persistent downward rooting.


Downward rooting is a kind of precipitation, a process of accumulating strength in obscurity. Huang Wenxiu, the recipient of the July 1st Medal, returned from a prosperous city to the countryside, took root in the mud, and pioneered in the thorns. She devoted herself wholeheartedly to the front line of poverty alleviation and dedicated herself, interpreting the original mission of Communist Party members with her beautiful youth and composing a song of youth in the new era. She deeply rooted herself in the rural land and in the hearts of the masses. Through day-to-day efforts, she accumulated the ability and confidence to lead the villagers to prosperity, and eventually made the fields of hope bear rich fruits. Those who silently take root at the grassroots level and in harsh environments eventually blossom into brilliant flowers of life.


Downward rooting is a kind of perseverance, a gritted teeth persistence in the face of difficulties. Yuan Longping, the "Father of Hybrid Rice", dedicated his life to the research, application and promotion of hybrid rice technology. For decades, under the scorching sun, he rooted himself in the rice fields. Even in the face of countless doubts and difficulties, he never gave up. He changed the world with a single seed and relieved hundreds of millions of people from hunger with his perseverance. His roots were in the rice fields, in scientific research, and in people's hearts. It was this perseverance that enabled him to constantly break through and surpass, and in the persistence day after day, he ushered in a prosperous scene of upward growth and achieved remarkable achievements that attracted worldwide attention.


Downward rooting is a kind of humility, a never-forgetting of the original intention when glory is added. Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of artemisinin. However, in the face of honor, she has always remained humble and said, "This is not my personal honor, but the honor of all Chinese scientists." She still devoted herself to scientific research, deeply rooted herself in the research of traditional Chinese medicine, and continued to contribute to the cause of human health. This humble quality has urged her to go further and further on the road of success and constantly create new glories.


Guangdong Yixin Feng Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., since its establishment, has firmly chosen to take root downward. In the fierce market competition, it focuses on the field of new energy intelligent equipment and tills the soil of the industry silently. Yixin Feng does not chase short-term prosperity and vanity, but works intensively in technology research and development, product quality, talent cultivation, etc. It deeply roots itself in the industry's demands and the expectations of customers. Through day-to-day efforts, it has accumulated strong innovation capabilities and a good reputation for service, laying a solid foundation for the enterprise's take-off.


For Yixin Feng, downward rooting is a kind of perseverance, a gritted teeth persistence in the face of technical difficulties and market challenges. On the road of pursuing excellence, Yixin Feng continuously invests in research and development forces and breaks through one technical bottleneck after another. Even in an unstable market environment and fierce industry competition, it has never wavered in its persistent pursuit of quality. With this perseverance, Yixin Feng's products stand out in the market, win the trust of customers, and gradually expand the market share.


Downward rooting is also a kind of humility, a never-forgetting of the original intention when achievements are made. Even though it has gained a certain reputation and achievements in the industry, Yixin Feng still maintains a humble attitude. It knows well that success is not the end but a new starting point. Therefore, Yixin Feng constantly examines itself, continuously improves, and deeply roots itself in the unremitting exploration of technological innovation to contribute to the development of the industry.


We all expect enterprises to grow upward and soar in the blue sky of the market. But Yixin Feng knows well that only by taking root downward first, deeply rooted in the core needs of the industry and the frontier of technology, can it absorb sufficient nutrients and have the powerful force for upward growth.


In this rapidly changing era, Yixin Feng always remains calm and steadfast. It is not eager for quick success and is not confused by short-term interests. Because it understands that only by being down-to-earth can it thrive and bear abundant fruits in the future development.


Each of us is eager to grow upward and have our own blue sky. But we must not forget that only by taking root downward first, deeply rooted in the soil of knowledge and the land of practice, can we absorb sufficient nutrients and have the force for upward growth. Only in this way can we, like Yixin Feng, embrace a broader market space and create a more brilliant chapter!
